module LCS

How Diff Works (by Mark-Jason Dominus)

I once read an article written by the authors of diff; they said that they hard worked very hard on the algorithm until they found the right one.

I think what they ended up using (and I hope someone will correct me, because I am not very confident about this) was the ‘longest common subsequence’ method. In the LCS problem, you have two sequences of items:

a b c d f g h j q z
a b c d e f g i j k r x y z

and you want to find the longest sequence of items that is present in both original sequences in the same order. That is, you want to find a new sequence S which can be obtained from the first sequence by deleting some items, and from the second sequence by deleting other items. You also want S to be as long as possible. In this case S is:

a b c d f g j z

From there it’s only a small step to get diff-like output:

e   h i   k   q r x y
+   - +   +   - + + +

This module solves the LCS problem. It also includes a canned function to generate diff-like output.

It might seem from the example above that the LCS of two sequences is always pretty obvious, but that’s not always the case, especially when the two sequences have many repeated elements. For example, consider

a x b y c z p d q
a b c a x b y c z

A naive approach might start by matching up the a and b that appear at the beginning of each sequence, like this:

a x b y c         z p d q
a   b   c a b y c z

This finds the common subsequence +a b c z+. But actually, the LCS is +a x b y c z+:

      a x b y c z p d q
a b c a x b y c z



This callback object implements the default set of callback events, which only returns the event itself. Note that finished_a and finished_b are not implemented – I haven’t yet figured out where they would be useful.

Note that this is intended to be called as is, e.g.,

Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks)

This callback object implements the default set of callback events, which only returns the event itself. Note that finished_a and finished_b are not implemented – I haven’t yet figured out where they would be useful.

Note that this is intended to be called as is, e.g.,

Diff::LCS.LCS(seq1, seq2, Diff::LCS::DefaultCallbacks)

Public Class Methods

LCS(seq1, seq2)
Alias for: lcs
callbacks_for(callbacks) click to toggle source
# File lib/diff/lcs/callbacks.rb, line 52
def self.callbacks_for(callbacks)
diff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = nil) { |diff changes| ... } click to toggle source

diff computes the smallest set of additions and deletions necessary to turn the first sequence into the second, and returns a description of these changes.

See Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks for the default behaviour. An alternate behaviour may be implemented with Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks. If a Class argument is provided for callbacks, diff will attempt to initialise it. If the callbacks object (possibly initialised) responds to finish, it will be called.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 168
def diff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = nil, &block) # :yields: diff changes
  diff_traversal(:diff, seq1, seq2, callbacks || Diff::LCS::DiffCallbacks, &block)
lcs(seq1, seq2) { |seq1 for each matched| ... } click to toggle source
# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 144
def lcs(seq1, seq2, &block) # :yields: seq1[i] for each matched
  matches = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(seq1, seq2)
  ret = []
  string = seq1.is_a? String
  matches.each_index do |i|
    next if matches[i].nil?

    v = string ? seq1[i, 1] : seq1[i]
    v = block[v] if block
    ret << v
Also aliased as: LCS
patch(src, patchset, direction = nil) click to toggle source

Applies a patchset to the sequence src according to the direction (:patch or :unpatch), producing a new sequence.

If the direction is not specified, Diff::LCS::patch will attempt to discover the direction of the patchset.

A patchset can be considered to apply forward (:patch) if the following expression is true:

patch(s1, diff(s1, s2)) -> s2

A patchset can be considered to apply backward (:unpatch) if the following expression is true:

patch(s2, diff(s1, s2)) -> s1

If the patchset contains no changes, the src value will be returned as either src.dup or src. A patchset can be deemed as having no changes if the following predicate returns true:

patchset.empty? or
  patchset.flatten(1).all? { |change| change.unchanged? }


A patchset is always an enumerable sequence of changes, hunks of changes, or a mix of the two. A hunk of changes is an enumerable sequence of changes:

[ # patchset
  # change
  [ # hunk
    # change

The patch method accepts patchsets that are enumerable sequences containing either Diff::LCS::Change objects (or a subclass) or the array representations of those objects. Prior to application, array representations of Diff::LCS::Change objects will be reified.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 626
def patch(src, patchset, direction = nil)
  # Normalize the patchset.
  has_changes, patchset = Diff::LCS::Internals.analyze_patchset(patchset)

  return src.respond_to?(:dup) ? src.dup : src unless has_changes

  string = src.is_a?(String)
  # Start with a new empty type of the source's class
  res =

  direction ||= Diff::LCS::Internals.intuit_diff_direction(src, patchset)

  ai = bj = 0

  patch_map = PATCH_MAP[direction]

  patchset.each do |change|
    # Both Change and ContextChange support #action
    action = patch_map[change.action]

    case change
    when Diff::LCS::ContextChange
      case direction
      when :patch
        el = change.new_element
        op = change.old_position
        np = change.new_position
      when :unpatch
        el = change.old_element
        op = change.new_position
        np = change.old_position

      case action
      when "-" # Remove details from the old string
        while ai < op
          res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
          ai += 1
          bj += 1
        ai += 1
      when "+"
        while bj < np
          res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
          ai += 1
          bj += 1

        res << el
        bj += 1
      when "="
        # This only appears in sdiff output with the SDiff callback.
        # Therefore, we only need to worry about dealing with a single
        # element.
        res << el

        ai += 1
        bj += 1
      when "!"
        while ai < op
          res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
          ai += 1
          bj += 1

        bj += 1
        ai += 1

        res << el
    when Diff::LCS::Change
      case action
      when "-"
        while ai < change.position
          res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
          ai += 1
          bj += 1
        ai += 1
      when "+"
        while bj < change.position
          res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
          ai += 1
          bj += 1

        bj += 1

        res << change.element

  while ai < src.size
    res << (string ? src[ai, 1] : src[ai])
    ai += 1
    bj += 1

patch!(src, patchset) click to toggle source

Given a set of patchset, convert the current version to the next version. Does no auto-discovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 736
def patch!(src, patchset)
  patch(src, patchset, :patch)
sdiff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = nil) { |diff changes| ... } click to toggle source

sdiff computes all necessary components to show two sequences and their minimized differences side by side, just like the Unix utility sdiff does:

old        <     -
same             same
before     |     after
-          >     new

See Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks for the default behaviour. An alternate behaviour may be implemented with Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallbacks. If a Class argument is provided for callbacks, diff will attempt to initialise it. If the callbacks object (possibly initialised) responds to finish, it will be called.

Each element of a returned array is a Diff::LCS::ContextChange object, which can be implicitly converted to an array.

Diff::LCS.sdiff(a, b).each do |action, (old_pos, old_element), (new_pos, new_element)|
  case action
  when '!'
    # replace
  when '-'
    # delete
  when '+'
    # insert
# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 200
def sdiff(seq1, seq2, callbacks = nil, &block) # :yields: diff changes
  diff_traversal(:sdiff, seq1, seq2, callbacks || Diff::LCS::SDiffCallbacks, &block)
traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, callbacks = Diff::LCS::BalancedCallbacks) { |event| ... } click to toggle source

traverse_balanced is an alternative to traverse_sequences. It uses a different algorithm to iterate through the entries in the computed longest common subsequence. Instead of viewing the changes as insertions or deletions from one of the sequences, traverse_balanced will report changes between the sequences.

The arguments to traverse_balanced are the two sequences to traverse and a callback object, like this:

traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2,

sdiff is implemented with traverse_balanced.

Callback Methods

Optional callback methods are emphasized.


Called when a and b are pointing to common elements in A and B.


Called when a is pointing to an element not in B.


Called when b is pointing to an element not in A.


Called when a and b are pointing to the same relative position, but A[a] and B[b] are not the same; a change has occurred.

traverse_balanced might be a bit slower than traverse_sequences, noticable only while processing huge amounts of data.


A = a b c e h j l m n p
B = b c d e f j k l m r s t


If there are two arrows (a and b) pointing to elements of sequences A and B, the arrows will initially point to the first elements of their respective sequences. traverse_sequences will advance the arrows through the sequences one element at a time, calling a method on the user-specified callback object before each advance. It will advance the arrows in such a way that if there are elements A[i] and B[j] which are both equal and part of the longest common subsequence, there will be some moment during the execution of traverse_sequences when arrow a is pointing to A[i] and arrow b is pointing to B[j]. When this happens, traverse_sequences will call callbacks#match and then it will advance both arrows.


Otherwise, one of the arrows is pointing to an element of its sequence that is not part of the longest common subsequence. traverse_sequences will advance that arrow and will call callbacks#discard_a or callbacks#discard_b, depending on which arrow it advanced.


If both a and b point to elements that are not part of the longest common subsequence, then traverse_sequences will try to call callbacks#change and advance both arrows. If callbacks#change is not implemented, then callbacks#discard_a and callbacks#discard_b will be called in turn.

The methods for callbacks#match, callbacks#discard_a, callbacks#discard_b, and callbacks#change are invoked with an event comprising the action (“=”, “+”, “-”, or “!”, respectively), the indicies i and j, and the elements A[i] and B[j]. Return values are discarded by traverse_balanced.


Note that i and j may not be the same index position, even if a and b are considered to be pointing to matching or changed elements.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 475
def traverse_balanced(seq1, seq2, callbacks = Diff::LCS::BalancedCallbacks)
  matches = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(seq1, seq2)
  a_size = seq1.size
  b_size = seq2.size
  ai = bj = mb = 0
  ma = -1
  string = seq1.is_a?(String)

  # Process all the lines in the match vector.
  loop do
    # Find next match indices +ma+ and +mb+
    loop do
      ma += 1
      break unless ma < matches.size && matches[ma].nil?

    break if ma >= matches.size # end of matches?

    mb = matches[ma]

    # Change(seq2)
    while (ai < ma) || (bj < mb)
      ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
      bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]

      case [(ai < ma), (bj < mb)]
      when [true, true]
        if callbacks.respond_to?(:change)
          event ="!", ai, ax, bj, bx)
          event = yield event if block_given?
          ai += 1
          event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
          event = yield event if block_given?
          ai += 1
          ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
          event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
          event = yield event if block_given?

        bj += 1
      when [true, false]
        event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        ai += 1
      when [false, true]
        event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        bj += 1

    # Match
    ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
    bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
    event ="=", ai, ax, bj, bx)
    event = yield event if block_given?
    ai += 1
    bj += 1

  while (ai < a_size) || (bj < b_size)
    ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
    bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]

    case [(ai < a_size), (bj < b_size)]
    when [true, true]
      if callbacks.respond_to?(:change)
        event ="!", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        ai += 1
        event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        ai += 1
        ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
        event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?

      bj += 1
    when [true, false]
      event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
      event = yield event if block_given?
      ai += 1
    when [false, true]
      event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
      event = yield event if block_given?
      bj += 1
traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, callbacks = Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks) { |change events| ... } click to toggle source

traverse_sequences is the most general facility provided by this module; diff and lcs are implemented as calls to it.

The arguments to traverse_sequences are the two sequences to traverse, and a callback object, like this:

traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2,

Callback Methods

Optional callback methods are emphasized.


Called when a and b are pointing to common elements in A and B.


Called when a is pointing to an element not in B.


Called when b is pointing to an element not in A.


Called when a has reached the end of sequence A.


Called when b has reached the end of sequence B.


A = a b c e h j l m n p
B = b c d e f j k l m r s t

If there are two arrows (a and b) pointing to elements of sequences A and B, the arrows will initially point to the first elements of their respective sequences. traverse_sequences will advance the arrows through the sequences one element at a time, calling a method on the user-specified callback object before each advance. It will advance the arrows in such a way that if there are elements A[i] and B[j] which are both equal and part of the longest common subsequence, there will be some moment during the execution of traverse_sequences when arrow a is pointing to A[i] and arrow b is pointing to B[j]. When this happens, traverse_sequences will call callbacks#match and then it will advance both arrows.

Otherwise, one of the arrows is pointing to an element of its sequence that is not part of the longest common subsequence. traverse_sequences will advance that arrow and will call callbacks#discard_a or callbacks#discard_b, depending on which arrow it advanced. If both arrows point to elements that are not part of the longest common subsequence, then traverse_sequences will advance arrow a and call the appropriate callback, then it will advance arrow b and call the appropriate callback.

The methods for callbacks#match, callbacks#discard_a, and callbacks#discard_b are invoked with an event comprising the action (“=”, “+”, or “-”, respectively), the indicies i and j, and the elements A[i] and B[j]. Return values are discarded by traverse_sequences.

End of Sequences

If arrow a reaches the end of its sequence before arrow b does, traverse_sequence will try to call callbacks#finished_a with the last index and element of A (A[-1]) and the current index and element of B (B[j]). If callbacks#finished_a does not exist, then callbacks#discard_b will be called on each element of B until the end of the sequence is reached (the call will be done with A[-1] and B[j] for each element).

If b reaches the end of B before a reaches the end of A, callbacks#finished_b will be called with the current index and element of A (A[i]) and the last index and element of B (A[-1]). Again, if callbacks#finished_b does not exist on the callback object, then callbacks#discard_a will be called on each element of A until the end of the sequence is reached (A[i] and B[-1]).

There is a chance that one additional callbacks#discard_a or callbacks#discard_b will be called after the end of the sequence is reached, if a has not yet reached the end of A or b has not yet reached the end of B.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 285
def traverse_sequences(seq1, seq2, callbacks = Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks) # :yields: change events
  callbacks ||= Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks
  matches = Diff::LCS::Internals.lcs(seq1, seq2)

  run_finished_a = run_finished_b = false
  string = seq1.is_a?(String)

  a_size = seq1.size
  b_size = seq2.size
  ai = bj = 0

  matches.each do |b_line|
    if b_line.nil?
      unless seq1[ai].nil?
        ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
        bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]

        event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
      ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]

      loop do
        break unless bj < b_line

        bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
        event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        bj += 1
      bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
      event ="=", ai, ax, bj, bx)
      event = yield event if block_given?
      bj += 1
    ai += 1

  # The last entry (if any) processed was a match. +ai+ and +bj+ point just
  # past the last matching lines in their sequences.
  while (ai < a_size) || (bj < b_size)
    # last A?
    if ai == a_size && bj < b_size
      if callbacks.respond_to?(:finished_a) && !run_finished_a
        ax = string ? seq1[-1, 1] : seq1[-1]
        bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
        event =">", (a_size - 1), ax, bj, bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        run_finished_a = true
        ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
        loop do
          bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
          event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
          event = yield event if block_given?
          bj += 1
          break unless bj < b_size

    # last B?
    if bj == b_size && ai < a_size
      if callbacks.respond_to?(:finished_b) && !run_finished_b
        ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
        bx = string ? seq2[-1, 1] : seq2[-1]
        event ="<", ai, ax, (b_size - 1), bx)
        event = yield event if block_given?
        run_finished_b = true
        bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
        loop do
          ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
          event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
          event = yield event if block_given?
          ai += 1
          break unless bj < b_size

    if ai < a_size
      ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
      bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
      event ="-", ai, ax, bj, bx)
      event = yield event if block_given?
      ai += 1

    if bj < b_size
      ax = string ? seq1[ai, 1] : seq1[ai]
      bx = string ? seq2[bj, 1] : seq2[bj]
      event ="+", ai, ax, bj, bx)
      event = yield event if block_given?
      bj += 1
unpatch!(src, patchset) click to toggle source

Given a set of patchset, convert the current version to the prior version. Does no auto-discovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 730
def unpatch!(src, patchset)
  patch(src, patchset, :unpatch)

Public Instance Methods

diff(other, callbacks = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Returns the difference set between self and other. See Diff::LCS#diff.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 75
def diff(other, callbacks = nil, &block)
  Diff::LCS.diff(self, other, callbacks, &block)
lcs(other) { |self| ... } click to toggle source

Returns an Array containing the longest common subsequence(s) between self and other. See Diff::LCS#lcs.

lcs = seq1.lcs(seq2)

A note when using objects: Diff::LCS only works properly when each object can be used as a key in a Hash, which typically means that the objects must implement Object#eql? in a way that two identical values compare identically for key purposes. That is:'a').eql?('a')) == true
# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 70
def lcs(other, &block) # :yields: self[i] if there are matched subsequences
  Diff::LCS.lcs(self, other, &block)
patch(patchset) click to toggle source

Attempts to patch self with the provided patchset. A new sequence based on self and the patchset will be created. See Diff::LCS#patch. Attempts to autodiscover the direction of the patch.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 101
def patch(patchset)
  Diff::LCS.patch(self, patchset)
Also aliased as: unpatch
patch!(patchset) click to toggle source

Attempts to patch self with the provided patchset. A new sequence based on self and the patchset will be created. See Diff::LCS#patch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 109
def patch!(patchset)
  Diff::LCS.patch!(self, patchset)
patch_me(patchset) click to toggle source

Attempts to patch self with the provided patchset, using patch!. If the sequence this is used on supports replace, the value of self will be replaced. See Diff::LCS#patch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 123
def patch_me(patchset)
  if respond_to? :replace
sdiff(other, callbacks = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Returns the balanced (“side-by-side”) difference set between self and other. See Diff::LCS#sdiff.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 81
def sdiff(other, callbacks = nil, &block)
  Diff::LCS.sdiff(self, other, callbacks, &block)
traverse_balanced(other, callbacks = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Traverses the discovered longest common subsequences between self and other using the alternate, balanced algorithm. See Diff::LCS#traverse_balanced.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 94
def traverse_balanced(other, callbacks = nil, &block)
  Diff::LCS.traverse_balanced(self, other, callbacks || Diff::LCS::BalancedCallbacks, &block)
traverse_sequences(other, callbacks = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Traverses the discovered longest common subsequences between self and other. See Diff::LCS#traverse_sequences.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 87
def traverse_sequences(other, callbacks = nil, &block)
  Diff::LCS.traverse_sequences(self, other, callbacks || Diff::LCS::SequenceCallbacks, &block)
Alias for: patch
unpatch!(patchset) click to toggle source

Attempts to unpatch self with the provided patchset. A new sequence based on self and the patchset will be created. See Diff::LCS#unpatch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 116
def unpatch!(patchset)
  Diff::LCS.unpatch!(self, patchset)
unpatch_me(patchset) click to toggle source

Attempts to unpatch self with the provided patchset, using unpatch!. If the sequence this is used on supports replace, the value of self will be replaced. See Diff::LCS#unpatch. Does no patch direction autodiscovery.

# File lib/diff/lcs.rb, line 134
def unpatch_me(patchset)
  if respond_to? :replace